Kevin has been in ministry leadership for over 25 years. Most recently, from 2008-2020 he was lead pastor of Glad Tidings Church in Burlington, ON. During that period the church experienced significant growth, expanding to four Sunday services at two sites, with priority given to community engagement and leadership development. His ministry is motivated and characterized by inspiring generations of diverse people to grow and experience the joy of faith in Jesus together.
Kevin has been part of the Western Ontario District Executive of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) for over ten years and presently serves as the Assistant Superintendent. Additionally, he serves the national fellowship of the PAOC on the General Executive, lends strategic support to the Multiply Network and served on the Board of Governors for Master’s College & Seminary for six years.
Kevin is married to his beautiful, long-time best friend, Sherri, and is thrilled to be the father of their son Caleb and their daughter Sadie.
Pastor Mike Pennington has been a credential holder in the PAOC for over 15 years, and currently serves as the Lead Pastor at Evangel Church. He has been in full-time ministry throughout British Columbia serving in Maple Ridge, Burnaby, Comox, and Kelowna. He has been mentored under notable PAOC leaders such as Brent Cantelon, Derrick Hamre, Fred Fulford and Will Sohnchen. During his ministry tenure, Pastor Mike has held various roles, serving in nearly every field of church ministry. Lead Pastor, Associate, Youth, Children’s, Overseas Missions and Worship Ministry.
Pastor Mike enjoys reading various genres of books, particularly biographies and Biblical commentaries. When you meet Pastor Mike, you’ll find that his joy and passion for Jesus is contagious. Together with his wife Castina, who has been a partner in ministry for 21 years, they use their gift of hospitality to be one of the most friendly and welcoming couples you can meet. They have four children Emma 16, Abby 14, Levi 12, and Meah 7. Pastor Mike and Castina love opening their home to others, dreaming about church growth and are always up for meeting new people at the beach or a local coffee shop.